Wednesday 21 November 2012

The women bishops saga.

So the good old c of E has narrowly voted against women bishops and alot of people are upset. Tears are flowing as the public are repeatedly told that the church is "out of touch". One such voice is that of Rose Hudson-Wilkin, chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. According to her this latest saga has made the church of England "irrelevant".

To me this is, among other things, at the heart of the issue. When Christians are concerned with being "relevant" then we have serious problems. Christianity has at its centre the person of Jesus Christ, Truth itself made flesh. Jesus never said anything "relevant" in the modern sense of the word but came to proclaim the Truth which, ironically, is the most relevant thing that there is.

What matters is truth. Not once, in all the news reports, both on tv or in print, did I see this most vital word. Not a word either on prayer or even that taboo word, God.

All I hear is "relevance" and "equality". But the priesthood isn't about relevance or equality. First of all it is a vocation, a pure gift from the Lord. It is no less a gift than motherhood. No one has a right to it and it isn't a question of equality. It is a precious gift.

The other thing to bear in mind is that the Church exists to raise the world up to the Divine, not to be dragged down by its standards. As we hear at the Holy Mass "Sursum Corda"! We are commanded to Lift up our Hearts. We are called to be raised up to God, divinised and consecrated in truth. Not once has this central Christian message been heard in all of this.

As Pope John Paul II said the Church must be a sign of contradiction. She calls to her wayward children urging and pleading her to harden not their hearts. Yes, it is a difficult path we tread. We are called to put to death our own desires and ideals to be conformed to Christ. That is impossible without grace.

I believe that one of the main issues is to do with a seriously faulty vision of the Church. The Church isn't a democracy. She is the servant of Truth and Truth, despite what many like to think, is not the subject of a democratic vote.

Obedience, to "listen well", is tough. To obey seems all too often painful. It can be the way of the Cross. But we know that the One who trod that path has revealed that behind it lies the Resurrection.

Let us ask God to grant all Christians a deeper share in that spirit of Obedience.

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